Inverness Pest Control Services


Inverness, Florida, is located in Citrus County. Inverness is the county seat, and features a population of 7,200. Inverness is known as Tree City USA for its recognition by the National Arbor Day Foundation and the US Forestry Service. Inverness was also awarded City of the Year by the Veterans Honor Organization the Forty & Eight. Inverness is about 8.1 square miles.

Know when to contact a professional exterminator

Inverness is more than home to 7.200 people. There are countless pests and termites throughout Inverness as well, ready to enter your home or business. These pests can infest your home or business and become a serious health risk. A professional pest control exterminator can properly identify and treat for pests in your Inverness home or business. This is often times the best option, as nearly every Do It Yourself method will only mask the pest problem, not solve it. Professionals know how and why a pest infestation is happening, and also know exactly how to treat for pests and ultimately remove pests from your home or business. Contacting a professional is the best choice and will save you from unnecessary headaches.

BugX is your Inverness pest and lawn professional

BugX Exterminators has been serving Inverness since 2007. Our professional, full service pest control company offers treatments for pests and termites. We also specialize in wildlife removal and lawn services. We exterminate ants, fleas, cockroaches and more. Our wildlife removal and lawn services include pocket gophers, moles, chinch bugs, fertilization, insect control, weed control, and lawn disease control. Contact us today to learn more!

Get a FREE Inverness pest control inspection today!